
Messages are introductions, follow-ups, updates, and other text-based content that you can quickly send to leads . Messages support plain text, links, and emojis, and are auto-personalised for the client when sending.

 Steps to Create Messages
  • You can access your list of messages by going to content in the menu.you will be able to see a list of all the messages you have saved organized by their tags.
  • To create a new message ,click the + buttons at the right bottom of the content screen.
  • Enter the message title.this will be the title of the message on the content screen.
  • Choose the tags used to organize your messages easily.
  • Tap save once you done.
  • Enter the message details .we will personalize your message by substituting @client in the message with every lead name.



Steps to Editing messages
  • To edit your messages goto content >messages 
  • Click on the pencil edit button .
  • Deleting your message 
  • To delete your message go to content>messages 
  • Click on the delete button to delta the message
  • You can add unlimited messages to your account, for any and every occasion
Steps to Share message 

You can easily share a message with a lead 


Steps for Bulk Share message 

You can easily share a message with multiple leads at once  lead 

  • Tap the share button on the message 
  • Long press to select the leads 
  • Share over WhatsApp, email